Dissenting Voices: Challenging the Colonial System
This project discusses critical voices that have challenged the dominant colonial narrative in the context of the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia. The project combines journalistic and academic writing with musical performance and film making to amplify these voices and to analyse why they have long been ignored in the public and academic debate.
by Anne-Lot Hoek (Research Journalist), Ernst Jansz (Musician & Writer), Maartje Janse (Historian), Sjoerd Sijsma (Film maker & Photographer)
Fruitful Roots: African Immigrants in Irish hip-hop (Connecting Dreams)
A short film and accompanying essay about three local hip-hop artists who were born in Africa, but raised in Ireland. The project analyses connectivity in the expression of the self through music. Fruitful Roots is Ruben’s first film project.
by Ruben van Gaalen (MA student Colonial and Global History), Irial Glynn (Lecturer, Comparative & Migration History)
Kenya and Liberia during election times (Communication & Language in Africa)
Educational project,Forthcoming
Multi-media analysis of the use of language and communication during the recent elections in Kenya and Liberia, using the internet as the main domain of research. Including a radio programme, essays, animated video content and websites.
by Maarten Mous (Lecturer: African Linguistics)
Benedicta: photography as performative act of remembering
A forthcoming project on the visual biography of the Cameroonian feminist Benedicta Neng Young Mukalla of Kom (1937-2014). The project will discuss the performative aspects of photography in this specific context, showing how photographs are not just images but social objects that play an active part in the making and articulation of histories.
by Walter Nkwi (Historian & Anthropologist), Vera Tamar Bakker (Photographer & African Studies)
The voices of young people living with speech and hearing impairment in Sierra Leone: a participatory photo project
Under peer review,Educational project
Photo series of young people with speech and hearing impairments in Sierra Leone, who were given a camera to elicit photos of their daily lives. The research offers a striking, personal insight into the living realities of these young people, drawing attention to what it means to have a disability in Sierra Leone.
by Emma Frobischer (MA student Development)
Being young in times of Duress in the Central African Republic
Project on youth experiences with violence and outcomes of reintegration programmes for children formerly associated with armed groups, in cooperation with UNICEF. Research reports, a documentary, individual film portraits, and a photo exposition are amongst the products that will feature in the e-publication.
by Sjoerd Sijsma (Film maker & Photographer), Jonna Both (Historian, Anthropologist)
Understanding the Congo-crisis: a cooperation with Sapin Makengele (Global and Colonial History)
Educational project,Forthcoming
The artist Sapin Makengele produced a large drawing of his vision on the Congo-Crisis, in co-creation with students who wrote an historical analysis based on the work. The artwork shows various detailed storylines, that will be further explored in a new course.
by Mirjam de Bruijn (Anthropologist), Sapin Makengele (Artist), Meike de Goede (Lecturer, Historian)
Croquemort: A biographical journey in the context of Chad
A co-creative anthropological journey describing the biography in context of Didier Lalaye alias Croquemort, a slam artist and medical student from Chad. Through the concept of vital conjunctures the research shows how the life of Didier is influenced and connected to the broader social environment (ICT, youth developments, and politics in Chad). A multi-medial project in which the songs and performances of Croquemort play a key role.
by Didier Lalaye (Slam poet & Medical Doctor), Lucia Ragazzi (Editor), Mirjam de Bruijn (Anthropologist), Sjoerd Sijsma (Film maker & Photographer)