Emma holds a Master's degree in Development, with a major in Social Policy for Development, from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam, from which she graduated in December 2016. For this project she did field research in Sierra Leone, where she worked on the Breaking down Barriers project researching advocacy for children and young people with disabilities as part of a joint initiative between the ASCL and the Dutch NGO, Liliane Fonds. She currently works for the African Studies Centres, on a project that studies how the institutional design of aid chains enables and constrains CSOs to perform political roles, focusing on the case study of Hivos's Women@Work programme which advocates for improved labour rights for female flower-pickers in the Kenyan horticultural industry. She previously worked at the global health NGO, Malaria Consortium, in London. She has held various voluntary NGO positions including in Peru and in Malaysia.