Publication criteria
- The study presents original research within the scope of the journal, i.e. biographical-narrative research that has been carried out in co-creation and makes use of digital methodologies.
- The structure and visual design of the project supports the arguments posed and allow for innovative presentation of academic knowledge production.
- The research makes clear how it builds on previous work and adheres to appropriate reporting guidelines and community standards for data availability.
- Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by a reflective analysis of the co-creation process.
- The article is presented in an intelligible fashion that avoids jargon and is written in standard English.
- The research meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.
Submission, editing and peer review
The editorial board can help authors/co-creators shape a co-creative process and think of the online structure and multimedia products. It is therefore advised to involve the editors from an early stage of the research process. For instance, we could think of how the publication can facilitate user experience, how we can best navigate from visual instead of textual content, and how to make the publication more interactive and give readers the possibility to give input.
Bridging Humanities accepts open submissions all year long. To submit a project for publication, please send an abstract of your project (500-750 words) and graphic outline of the publication to: The graphic outline is a tool that allows to set up an initial structure of the project and to show a rough outline of the chapter division.
The project will be presented to the editorial committee of Bridging Humanities. If your project is accepted for publication, you will be required to further detail the proposal explaining the content of your project and the kind of digital sources that you are going to use (pictures, videos interviews, films, screenshots, audio, …). Based on the outline, the editor will elaborate with you the final structure of the project and set a timeline of work. The author of the project will provide the texts and the digital sources. Bridging Humanities will provide technical support for setting up the project on the publication website and a general check-up of the texts. The author will be responsible for the content and the editing of the texts.
The texts will be sent for double peer review and any remark and suggestion will be shared with the authors for the final revision. In case of doubt, the author shall refer to the editor of Bridging Humanities. Reviewers may use an annotation tool to comment on the project webpage that is under review. Reviewers’ identities are not revealed to authors or to other reviewers unless reviewers specifically request to be identified. If a submission is accepted, we will ask you to start the discussion with a wider public about the submission with a first comment from your personal point of view, opening up for further comments, critical readings and links to other research.
Please note that Bridging Humanities projects follow academic guidelines and are required to include a problem statement, transparency of the methodology, and references. The publication may not contain content that is disrespectful, offensive, or in any other way abusive. In order to guarantee the protection of informants and the integrity of the publication, the editorial board of Bridging Humanities reserves the right to recommend changes and/or leave out comments that are not in line with the ethics of the publication.